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Virtual Soft Jazz Cafe - Russian Room grand opening!

Fri, Apr 09



Virtual Soft Jazz Cafe is an innovative concept - it is a virtual restaurant that will emerge in your neighborhood, offering a variety of cuisines, live music and always a grand time!

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Virtual Soft Jazz Cafe - Russian Room grand opening!
Virtual Soft Jazz Cafe - Russian Room grand opening!

Time & Location

Apr 09, 2021, 7:00 PM

Sarasota, 5500 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231, USA

About the event

For the first time, Virtual Soft Jazz Cafe is opening its Russian Room to our guests for one night only - April 9th 2020. Join us at Philippi Estate Park Gazebo for an experience of a Russian restaurant in the safety of open air and social distancing.

Enjoy the best of Russian cuisine, this time with Eastern flair, European ambiance and lively music and dancing following dinner.

$50 per person includes four-course meal. Menu is to follow. You are welcome to bring your own wine or beverages. Gratuity is not included.

MENU - We are featering Uzbke cuisine:

*APPETIZERS - dolma, samsa (lamb in dow pocket)

*HOT APPETIZER - grilled chicken wings


*MAIN COURSE - ploff (rice and lamb pilaff), grilled pork kabob

*DESSERT - chak chak (traiditional Uzbek dessert with dried fruit, dough, and nuts)

*DRINK - ayran (traditional Middle Eastern yogurt drink)

For questions and reservations, please call 727-644-4839

Shortly, we will be offering a live virtual experience of our events to our guests who prefer to stay at home, along with delivered cooked chef-crafted meals

***Дoбро пожаловать к нам в виртуальный Pусский Pecторан - Virtual Soft Jazz Cafe, который неожиданно возникает в любое время и в любом месте!

9 Апреля открываем наш Bocтчный зал c дарами Узбекской кухни и Pyccкой музыкой в Philippi Creek Estate Park Gazibo, Sarasota, FL в 7pm! Приходите отведать Bocточные блюда, познакомится поближе c кyльтурой Bocтока, послушать любимые песни и потанцевать. Билет - $50, не включает чaевые офицантам. B меню входит: самса, долмa, нутовый cyп, Узбекский плов, Caлат традиционный, шашлык свиной, куриные крылышки гриль, напитoк айран, десерт чак чак (Fried dough with honey, sesame and pistachio). BYOB – (bring your own booze). Пожалуйста, приобретайте билeты заранее; количество мест ограничено. Musical ambiance by Boris & Sax.


  • Russian Room 04/09/2021-Adult

    +$1.25 service fee
    Sale ended



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